Megane (眼鏡 - Glasses)

Apr 27, 2019 23:44

Today I bought a 'megane' (眼鏡).

'Megane' is a Japanese word that means "glasses."

'Me' (眼) means "eye," but the exact etymology of 'gane' (鏡) has not been clarified yet.

One web page explains that it comes from 'sashigane' (さしがね), which means "ruler," and another page explains that it comes from 'kagami' (鏡), which has the same kanji for 'gane' and means "mirror."

Incidentally, it is said that glasses were invented in Italy in 1284, and it was imported to Japan by Francisco de Xavier in 1551.


「眼鏡」は "glasses" を意味する日本語であす。

「眼」は "eye" を意味する言葉ですが、「鏡」について正確な語源はわかっていません。


No. 1 Martin's correction
  • Megane
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today I bought a 'megane' (眼鏡).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Megane' is a Japanese word that means "glasses."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Me' (眼) means "eye," but the exact etymology of 'gane' (鏡) has not been clarified yet.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • One web page explains that it comes from 'sashigane' (さしがね), which means "ruler," and another page explains that it comes from 'kagami' (鏡), which has the same kanji for 'gane' and means "mirror."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, it is said that glasses were invented in Italy in 1284, and it was imported to Japan by Francisco de Xavier in 1551.
  • Incidentally, it is said that glasses were invented in Italy in 1284, and it was they were imported to Japan by Francisco de Xavier in 1551.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
No. 2 Kenny's correction
  • Today I bought a 'megane' (眼鏡).
  • Today I bought a pair of 'megane' (眼鏡).
     because "megane" means "glasses", I would treat it the same way I would the word "glasses". This means I would treat it as a plural.
  • 'Me' (眼) means "eye," but the exact etymology of 'gane' (鏡) has not been clarified yet.
  • 'Me' (眼) means "eye," but the exact etymology of 'gane' (鏡) is still unclear to me.
     this is correct, but "is still unclear to me." sounds more natural.
  • Incidentally, it is said that glasses were invented in Italy in 1284, and it was imported to Japan by Francisco de Xavier in 1551.
  • Incidentally, it is said that glasses were invented in Italy in 1284, and they were imported to Japan by Francisco de Xavier in 1551.
Thank you so much for the correction! :)
No. 3 friendfromfaraway's correction
  • Today I bought a 'megane' (眼鏡).
  • Today I bought a 'megane' (眼鏡).
  • 'Megane' is a Japanese word that means "glasses."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Me' (眼) means "eye," but the exact etymology of 'gane' (鏡) has not been clarified yet.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • One web page explains that it comes from 'sashigane' (さしがね), which means "ruler," and another page explains that it comes from 'kagami' (鏡), which has the same kanji for 'gane' and means "mirror."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, it is said that glasses were invented in Italy in 1284, and it was imported to Japan by Francisco de Xavier in 1551.
  • Incidentally, it is said that glasses were invented in Italy in 1284, and it wasere imported to Japan by Francisco de Xavier in 1551.
眼鏡は眼の鏡(かがみ)でしょう?もともとglassesはeyeglasses, つまり eye (め)と (looking)-glass つまり、mirrorってことです。面白いですね?
Thank you for the correction!
面白いですね :)
No. 4 artboy598's correction
  • Today I bought a 'megane' (眼鏡).
  • Today I bought some 'megane' (眼鏡).